Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Key Terms

Aetiology: all the factors that contribute to the development of an illness or disorder

Carer: a person whose life is affected by a close relationship with a consumer, or who has chosen and contracted a caring role.

Diagnosis: a decision based on the recognition of clinically relevant symptomatology, the consideration of causes that may exclude a diagnosis of another condition, and the application of clinical judgement

Mental health: holistic sense of well being and the capacity of people within groups and an environment to interact in a way that promotes subjective well-being and optimal development to achieve individual and collective goals.

Mental illness/disorder: a recognised, medically diagnosable illness which results in a significant impairment of an individual's thinking and emotional abilities and may require intervention.

Prevalence: the proportion of the population with the disease/disorder

Minority: a group of people who differ racially or politically from a larger group of which it is a part

Outcomes: The results of a specific mental health care service, usually phrased in terms of child and family gains (e.g., improved school performance, improved family communication)

Symptom: an observable physiological or psychological manifestation of a disorder or disease, often occurring in a group to constitute a syndrome.

Treatment: an intervention (either medication or therapy) by a recognised health professional such as a psychiatrist, general practitioner or other doctor, nurse, psychologist, occupational therapist, social worker or other professional mental health worker.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Today I found 15 useful websites for my graduation project.
I still havent come up with my essential quesiton, but I am starting to get there.

Friday, January 9, 2009

My Topic

The idea that I chose for my graduation project is Mental Diseases and Disorders in the African American community. The topic is really broad, and Im working to bring it down to something more concrete, but this is what I want to do for sure.
This topic is important to me because I see a lot of it going on in the Black community and there isn't really much done about it. I have mentally disabled family members who I am close with, and I've always wondered what causes it.
I can't wait to start on my project and see where it takes me!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Beginning Grad Project

All I know about the graduation project is that its one of the biggest things here at City High. I know it requires alot of work and is a requirement of City High to graduate on time.

The subject I am most interested in doing for my graduation project is mental disease in the african american community. This topic interest me because a very close family member of mine is mentally retarded, and I've always wanted to learn why and how this happens. I wanted to center around the black community because it goes most untreated and ignored there.

My main concern about the graduation project is time. I know I am very capable of doing the work and doing it well, but I need to focus on time management