Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Good Pace

Mrs. Savido is helping me get out copies of my survey so the information that I'm going to gather from that will help me finish my lit review completely. I still need to get a good conclusion, try to make my sentences flow better, and make all the edits that need to be done. Fortunatly, Ms. Denise is helping to edit my paper so having an actual professional writer and editor look at my paper is great and will help a lot. I love knowing people so willing to help me.

The interview situation isn't that great because Ms. Lee never got back to me, and I never got in contact with a professional in another ethnicity so I just have Black journalist.

Its kind of annoying, but I like the pace I'm going. I think with the rate I'm doing I'll be able to complete my each part of my project well.

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