Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I most certainly do not want to restart my whole project, but journalism is what I am really interested in and I think I'll do really well on this project...I just wish I would have thought of it ALOT earlier.

for now, these are my starting ideas that I need to narrow down so I can get moving...

  • local
  • events
  • fashion
  • arts/entertainment
  • special interest
  • editorials/opinion
  • national/international
  • same as print
  • breaking news
  • tragedy
  • gossip
  • sensationalist
  • attention grabbing
  • convenience
  • video
  • blogs
  • gossip
  • opinion
  • on going reports
  • music
HS newspapers
  • HS events
  • HS news
Current Events
  • local
  • national
  • global

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