Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I only need one more interview and then I'll be done trying to contact and track down people. After that I can finish my lit review and start on my portfolio. I figure I should be done with it by next Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

Right now the only thing I'm real trouble with is my survey. It's hard trying to think of questions that aren't so open-ended. Hopefully I'll get done soon and get it out so I can add the results to my lit review. Hopefully.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Over the past couple days, I have set up several interviews with my old mentor and Chris Moore. Hopefully by the end of the week, I'll have a couple more lined up too and my survey finished. One problem I'm having right now is finding minority journalist that aren't black. My goal by the end of the week is to have at least an Asian and Latin journalist to interview too.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Beautiful Findings

As I was working on my outline, I decided to go back and look over my notes from the PBMF Workshop and came across a page entitled, What Is News?
I don't know why it took me so long to look at my notes because there is a lot of good information in there. A good piece of info that I found is the definition of news, and what people consider news.

Now all I have to do is keep going through my notebook and see what else I can find.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Movin' Along

Over the weekend I had some trouble with my proposal, but I figured it out so now I should be able to finish...hopefully. Next is doing my outline, and then I can start my paper.

The library didn't get my books in yet, so now I have to wait another day or two to finish my research, and plus I'm having issues getting my interviews set up.

I'm not stressing too much about it because I already have my action plan done, so its just basically researching and writing for the next couple of weeks.

How fun...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Salvation at last!

First I would like to thank Mrs. Savido for helping me realize that I've already done my action plan. I am happy that I don't have to worry about it, but I must admit I was kind of excited about starting a teen online newspaper. I think I still might do it. I actually must thank Mr. Hamilton of helping me develop the idea of starting a online newspaper.

I guess I can't worry about that right now anyway since I still have a ton of work to do. I need to request books from the library, find more info online, and finish up my proposal and outline. Hopefully all this can be done by next Tuesday in the first half of class. I don't have time to keep playing catch up at this point.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thank GOD!

I knew I needed something to get my brain juice flowing, because that I have an awesome action plan, I know a lot more about what I'm researching. All I need to do is get my thoughts together and I'll actually have an essential question. YAY ME!

Mercy Mercy Me

I NEED an essential question, because I am so lost as to what I have to research. Everything I type into the search box just returns articles written by teens, so I think my best source is going to be interviews with people. I have several different people that I could interview, but the problem is getting into contact with them, and them having the time. Mrs. Savido/Mr. Hamilton and I need to have a sit down really bad so I can get moving on this project or I'm worried that I'm just going to have to go back to my old one.

I know I can get it done, and get it done well, but I need a lot of help right now.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I most certainly do not want to restart my whole project, but journalism is what I am really interested in and I think I'll do really well on this project...I just wish I would have thought of it ALOT earlier.

for now, these are my starting ideas that I need to narrow down so I can get moving...

  • local
  • events
  • fashion
  • arts/entertainment
  • special interest
  • editorials/opinion
  • national/international
  • same as print
  • breaking news
  • tragedy
  • gossip
  • sensationalist
  • attention grabbing
  • convenience
  • video
  • blogs
  • gossip
  • opinion
  • on going reports
  • music
HS newspapers
  • HS events
  • HS news
Current Events
  • local
  • national
  • global